- Overview
- Scientific machine learning
- Real-time digital twins and data assimilation
- Optimization
- Mathematical modelling of multi-physics fluids
- Quantum computing and machine learning
For data and software please go to Data and codes.
ERC Starting Grant PhyCo in Physics-aware machine learning for fluid mechanics
The ability of fluid mechanics modelling to predict the evolution of a flow is enabled both by physical principles and empirical approaches. On the one hand, physical principles (for example conservation laws) are extrapolative – they provide predictions on phenomena that have not been observed. On the other hand, empirical modelling provides correlation functions within data. Artificial intelligence and machine learning are excellent at empirical modelling. The EU-funded PhyCo project will combine physical principles and empirical modelling into a unified approach: physics-constrained data-driven methods for multi-physics optimisation. The machine learning solutions will not violate physical constraints. The computational framework will be applied to reconstruct high-resolution flow images from low-resolution data; minimise aeroengine emissions with hydrogen-based reacting flows; and maximise zero-emission energy harvesting from fluid-structure oscillations.
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